Under review
- Wu, L., Bratt, S., Zeng, T., Acuna, DE, Assigning credit to scientific datasets using article citation networks
- Achakulvisut, T, Bhagavatula, C, Acuna, DE, Kording, K, Claim extraction in biomedical publications using deep discourse model and transfer learning, Link
- Zeng, T, Acuna, DE, The detection of sentences that need citations using natural language models trained on scientific articles
- Zeng, T., Acuna, DE, (2020) Dataset mention extraction in scientific articles using a BiLSTM-CRF model Chapter 11 in Julia I. Lane, Ian Mulvany, and Paco Nathan (Ed.), Rich Search and Discovery for Research Datasets: Building the next generation of scholarly infrastructure, New York
Zeng, T, Acuna, DE, (2019) Dead science: most resources linked in scientific articles disappear in eight years, iConference 2019 (to appear in Lecture Notes of Computer Science)
Taraz G. Lee, Acuna, DE, K. P., Grafton, S. T. (2019) Limiting motor skill knowledge via incidental training protects against choking under pressure, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Link
Líenard, JF, Achakulvisut, T, Acuna, DE, David, SV, Intellectual Synthesis in Mentorship Determines Success in Academic Careers, Nature Communications, Link (press release in Nature Asia)
Teplitskiy, M, Acuna, DE, Elamrani-Raoult, A, Körding, K, Evans, J (2018) The sociology of scientific validity: How professional networks shape judgement in peer review, Research Policy Link
Acuna, DE, Brooks, P, Kording, P (2018) Bioscience-scale automated detection of figure element reuse (2018) BioArXiv, Link
- Shema, A, Acuna, DE (2017) Show Me Your App Usage and I Will Tell Who Your Close Friends Are: Predicting User’s Context from Simple Cellphone Activity, CHI 2017, Pages 2929-2935, Denver, Colorado Link
- Achakulvisut T, Acuna DE, Ruangrong T, Kording K (2016) Science Concierge: A Fast Content-Based Recommendation System for Scientific Publications. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158423. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158423 Link
- Ethier, C, Acuna, DE, Solla, S, Miller, L (2016)Adaptive neuron-to-EMG decoder training for FES neuroprostheses, Journal of Neural Engineering Link
- Ramkumar P, Acuna DE, Berniker M, Grafton S, Turner RS, Körding KP (2016) Chunking as the result of an efficiency–computation tradeoff. Nature Communications Link
- Acuna, DE, Berniker, M, Fernandes, H, Kording, K, (2015) Using psychophysics to ask if the brain samples or maximizes, Journal of Vision Link
- Acuna, DE, Wymbs, Nicholas F., Reynolds, Chelsea A., Picard, Nathalie, Turner, Robert S., Strick, Peter L., Grafton, Scott T., Kording, Konrad P. (2014) Multi-faceted aspects of chunking enable robust algorithms, Journal of Neurophysiology, Link, code
- Acuna, DE, Penner, Orion, Orton CG, (2013) The future h-index is an excellent way to predict scientists’ future impact, Med. Phys. 40, 110601 (Link)
- Acuna, DE, Allesina, S., Kording, KP, (2012) Future impact: Predicting scientific success, Nature, Volume 489, Number 7415, 201-202
- Avraham G, Nisky I, Fernandes HL, Acuna DE, Kording KP, Loeb GE, Karniel A, (2011) Towards Perceiving Robots as Humans – Three handshake models face the Turing-like Handshake Test, IEEE Transactions on Haptics
- Acuna, DE, (2011) Rational Bayesian Analysis of Sequential Decision-Making Under Uncertainty In Humans and Machines, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
- Acuna, DE & Schrater, P. (2010). Structure Learning in Human Sequential Decision-Making, PLoS Computational Biology 6(12): e1001003
- Acuna, DE & Parada, V. (2010). People Efficiently Explore the Solution Space of the Computationally Intractable Traveling Salesman Problem to Find Near-Optimal Tours, PLoS ONE 5(7):e11685
- Acuna, DE & Schrater, P. (2009). Improving Bayesian Reinforcement Learning using Transition Abstraction. ICML/UAI/CLT Workshop on Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning 2009
- Acuna, DE & Schrater, P. (2009). Structure Learning in Human Sequential Decision-Making. NIPS 2009
- Acuna, DE & Schrater, P. (2008). Bayesian Modeling of Human Sequential Decision-Making on the Multi-Armed Bandit Problem. In V. Sloutsky, B. Love, & K. McRae (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Washington, DC: Cognitive Science
- June 12, 2019 - Invited talk, International Conference on Science of Science at the University of Chicago Beijing Center, Beijing, China - Science of bad science
- May 10, 2019 - Invited speaker, 8th Annual Ethics in Biomedical Research Lecture, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry - To catch a scientific figure falsifier
- March 20, 2019 - Invited talk at Symposium of Yotta Informatics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan - Artificial Psychophysics
- July, 2018 - Invited Talk, iSchool - Biases in AI models
- November, 2017 - Invited Talk, Computer Science, Syracuse University - Data Science of Data Science: Should you improve your Hadoop skills or learn time series analytics?
- October, 2017 - Invited Talk, Rochester Institute of Technology - Data Science of Data Science: Should you improve your Hadoop skills or learn time series analytics?
- October, 2016 - Research Computing colloquium - Improving Scientific Innovation: A Data Science Perspective
- April, 2016 - Plenary talk - Tools to improve peer review and scholarly research, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- March, 2016 - Lighting talk - Predicting who will agree to review, International Symposium on Science of Science, Washington, DC
- March, 2016 - Plenary talk - Data science to understand knowledge discovery and expertise, ChiPy, International Symposium on Science of Science, Chicago, IL
- October, 2015 - Lightning talk - Should we allow authors to suggest reviewers?, Quantifying Science, NetSci 2015 Satellite conference, Tempe, AZ
- July, 2015 - Tools and software to accelerate science, Metaknowledge Network Summer Retreat, Asilomar, California
- March, 2015 - Science of science, Metaknowledge Network Spring Retreat, University of Chicago
- November, 2014 - Plenary talk - Big data science of science, Science Week 2014, Loyola University, Chicago
- August 2014, Automatic detection of figure element reuse in biological science articles, Science of Team Science Conference, Austin, TX
- May 2014, Big data machine learning for prediction and classification (invited academic speaker, plenary), The Tenth Workshop on the Development of Advanced Algorithms for Security Applications (ADSA10)
- March 2013, An investigation of how prior beliefs influence decision-making under uncertainty in a 2AFC task, (plenary) COSYNE 2013
Web applications & software
- Scholarfy℠ ( and Science Concierge repo
- Automated article-reviewer matcher and manuscript scoring system repo
- Social sciences: Mentors and the secret to scientists’ success (2018), Nature Communications
- Researchers have finally created a tool to spot duplicated images across thousands of papers (2018), Declan Butler, Nature
- Webinar on tools to improve peer review: reviewer-manuscript assignment and article scoring (2016)
- New formula beats citation index and can predict success, 3 scientist say (2012), The Chronicle of Higher Education, A20 Article
- Predicting scientific success (September 13, 2012), Nature Podcast Podcast
- Science Friday, NPR Spanish, Podcast (2012)